Utah 2024 Scholarship Recipients
“Teen Driver” Category
Lowell Saign
Wayne High School |
(Watch finalist video submission)
Click here to read full essay!
Grace Wheeler
Weber Innovation High |
(Watch finalist video submission)
Click here to read full essay!
Gideon Willard
Dixie High School |
(Watch finalist video submission)
Click here to read full essay!
Sam Terreros
Viewmont High School |
(Watch finalist video submission)
Click here to read full essay!
Utah 2024 Scholarship Recipients
“Your turn behind the wheel” Drivers Ed Category
Isabelle Gunn
East High School |
(Watch finalist video submission)
Click here to read full essay!
Jolene Williams
Box Elder High |
(Watch finalist video submission)
Click here to read full essay!
Izabelle Stewart
Woods Cross High School |
(Watch finalist video submission)
Click here to read full essay!
Alvin Yuan
Juab High School |
(Watch finalist video submission)
Click here to read full essay!
"Utah Jiffy Lube Teen Driver Scholarship Program"
Click below to apply for the scholarship you're eligible for.
Open to Utah students statewide.
For the 2024-2025 school year. |
Overall Scholarship Award
Three $1,500 Finalist Awards
April 14th, 2025!
Overall Scholarship Award
Three $1,500 Finalist Awards
March 10th, 2025! |
Program Overview
The Jiffy Lube "What Drives You?" High School Scholarship program is a unique opportunity to pursue your interests, goals and ideas. A simple 500 words about what drives you? Four finalists will be selected in both categories from the 500 word "What Drives You?" essays. Each finalists will be guaranteed a $1500 award and then will create and submit a unique 1-2 min. video that expands on their essay in their own candid words, visuals, etc. The overall $6,500 scholarship winner will be chosen from these videos. Click on guidelines, rules and eligibility for complete details.
Click on the card to get your
Teen Driver VIP Discount Card.
